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There’s brand new art every month

  1. 1. A high resolution 4k video art loop
  2. 2. High resolution 4k artwork you can print
  3. 3. Art for your phone

Video Loop

This is art that is born out of painting. Along the years I’ve been making art that combines the analog and the digital as well. It begins with a physical process but evolves through a digital medium. I’ve always enjoyed using and abusing technology, blurring the line between what you can do by hand and what you can’t.
There are video and images that have emerged out of this journey.
Let this one immerse you in stillness and movement all at once. Allow colours, layers and hidden depths to reveal themselves.
This is best viewed on larger screens.
It’s part of a full digital art package.
Get exclusive access to your free download along with your first subscription.

High Resolution Art

This art is a cocktail of painting, drawing and the digital

Art For Your Phone

Transform it with an image that’ll bring it to life